An extended cut of our episode with Mike Machargo.

Mike Machargo

Co-Founder and Director of Partnership Development, CHEO BBQ

Mike wants to live in a world where everyone takes the time to extend kindness to others, with the hope that the kindness may be paid forward.

For his entire adult life, Mike has been running the CHEO BBQ. It started from the humble roots in his Grandma’s backyard 27 years ago, to the premier event that it has evolved to today. It is difficult to think of Mike without thinking about the CHEO BBQ, for the most part they are one and the same.

Mike is proud of what the CHEO BBQ has become and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. He has earned him some impressive recognition along the way.

The CHEO BBQ has raised over $750,000 and engaged hundreds of volunteers. 

  • Distinguished Volunteer of the Year Award 2008, City of Ottawa
  • Community Builder Award 2011, United Way Ottawa
  • State Farm Good Neighbour Award 2011, State Farm Ottawa
  • Recipient of the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers, Rideau Hall 2018 
  • His team has received the Order of the Good Bear award twice from the CHEO Foundation

When Mike is not working as a Inside Sales Representative for Paul Rushforth Real Estate, you can find him training for various 10K running events in the city or enjoying some down time with his family.

Mike’s Motto is famous: “Come and have some fun in the sun, because, Hey! It’s for the kids”

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